Camille Fuller
  • Fashion/Design & Merchandising track/Photography
  • Class of 2017
  • Dover, N.J.

Camille Fuller Spends Winter Interim 2017 Conducting ACRE Project

2017 Jan 17

Camille Fuller, a senior fashion/design & merchandising track major from Dover, N.J., is spending winter Interim 2017 tackling an Albright Creative Research Experience (ACRE) project.

Fuller's project is titled "Genuine Color: An Exploration of Natural Dying."

ACRE is a multi-disciplinary program that affords students the opportunity to conduct research or pursue creative endeavors during the three-week January Interim session or summer break. Students work one-on-one with faculty advisors and receive stipends from the College. Participants meet to share their experiences with each other, and often go on to present their findings at regional or national conferences or use it as a springboard for further study.

Fuller is one of 19 Albright students conducting ACRE projects this Interim.

For a complete list of 2017 Interim ACRE projects: